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I just flew back from a business trip in Poland last night and I am so tired, I think my face might melt at any moment. At times like this, the idea of writing anything at all seems completely impossible; I’m exhausted, grumpy and I’ve everything I’ve eaten for the last few days seems to have contained beetroot for some reason (which I usually love, just not every day). Even getting down a few paragraphs for you good people feels like a bit of a slog.

But I’m told on good authority by my fellow writers that pressure and adversity like this is supposed to be the mother of creativity. I will definitely say that doing something different can be a great solution for writer’s block but if it drains all of your energy in the process, I’m not sure it will be quite as effective. For me, the perfect writing conditions means being relaxed, full of energy and with plenty of time, space and peace to work in.

But maybe I’m just being lazy. Have any of you been inspired to write by a difficult situation?

I may not be a big fan of Polish vegetable choice, but this ice cream was the coolest thing ever!

I may not be a big fan of Polish beetroot, but this ice cream was the coolest thing ever!